AB Soft Home Theater Server BePunctual User Manual

Version 4.0  
User Manual  
BePunctual Server  
Copyright © 2008 Aquarius Soft Pte Ltd.  
All rights reserved.  
User Manual of BePunctual Server  
Version 4.0  
ORGANIZATION INFORMATION........................................................................................19  
ADDING A NEW DEPARTMENT ........................................................................................................19  
STAFF TYPES....................................................................................................................................19  
ADDING A NEW STAFF TYPE...........................................................................................................19  
STAFFS .......................................................................................................................................20  
ADDING A NEW STAFF....................................................................................................................20  
STAFF GENERAL INFORMATION PAGE............................................................................................20  
STAFF PUNCH IN/OUT SETTINGS PAGE........................................................................................21  
STAFF WORKING DAYS & HOURS SETTINGS PAGE.....................................................................21  
STAFF PAY SETTINGS PAGE............................................................................................................22  
STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION PAGE ...........................................................................................24  
STAFF BIOMETRIC FINGERPRINT PAGE .........................................................................................24  
ADDING A NEW HOLIDAY ...............................................................................................................25  
LEAVE TYPES.......................................................................................................................26  
ADDING A NEW LEAVE TYPE...........................................................................................................26  
APPROVED LEAVE..............................................................................................................26  
ADDING A NEW APPROVED LEAVE.................................................................................................26  
PUNCH CARDS AND PUNCH ENTRIES...........................................................................27  
VIEWING A STAFF PUNCH CARD....................................................................................................27  
ADDING A PUNCH ENTRY................................................................................................................27  
PUNCH STATIONS ...............................................................................................................28  
CONNECTING A PUNCH STATION TO THE SERVER SOFTWARE....................................................28  
CONFIGURING A PUNCH STATION..................................................................................................28  
DELETING AN INACTIVE PUNCH STATION .....................................................................................29  
BROADCASTING A MESSAGE TO ACTIVE PUNCH STATIONS........................................................29  
CONTACTING A STAFF ON AN ACTIVE PUNCH STATION ..............................................................29  
GENERATING A REPORT ..................................................................................................................30  
WORKING DAYS AND HOURS TEMPLATES................................................................31  
EDITING DEFAULT WORKING DAYS AND HOURS TEMPLATE.......................................................31  
SAVING STAFF WORKING DAYS AND HOURS AS A TEMPLATE....................................................31  
APPLYING A STAFF WORKING DAYS AND HOURS TEMPLATE ......................................................31  
STAFF PAY TEMPLATES ...................................................................................................32  
EDITING DEFAULT STAFF PAY TEMPLATE......................................................................................32  
SAVING STAFF PAY AS A TEMPLATE...............................................................................................32  
APPLYING A STAFF PAY TEMPLATE.................................................................................................32  
17 VISITOR TYPES....................................................................................................................33  
ADDING A NEW VISITOR TYPE.......................................................................................................33  
18 VISITORS ...............................................................................................................................33  
ADDING A NEW VISITOR ................................................................................................................33  
19 CUSTOMIZATIONS..............................................................................................................34  
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User Manual of BePunctual Server  
Version 4.0  
SHOW ICON IN TASKBAR NOTIFICATION AREA............................................................................34  
PREVENT STANDBY AND HIBERNATE .............................................................................................34  
PREVENT CHANGING OF SYSTEM TIME..........................................................................................34  
CONNECTION PORT NUMBER..........................................................................................................34  
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User Manual of BePunctual Server  
2 Introduction  
Version 4.0  
What is BePunctual Server?  
Aquarius Soft BePunctual Server is the central configuration, management and reporting  
component of the Aquarius Soft BePunctual computer employee biometric fingerprint time clock  
software and visitor management solution.  
You would use this Server software to perform the following tasks:  
Configure your organization details like organization name and logo image to display in  
Add your company departments  
Add your company staff types and visitor types  
Add the staffs who would be using BePunctual to punch in and out  
Enroll or import your staff fingerprints  
Setup your staff details like working days and hours, pay, punch ID and PIN etc.  
Pre-register your visitors  
Add holidays applicable to your company  
Add leave types applicable to your company  
Add staff approved leave  
Check staff attendance and punctuality  
Check visitor status  
View and edit staff computer punch cards  
Generate reports  
Configure punch stations  
Broadcast messages to punch stations  
Contact staff at the punch station via instant messaging  
One copy of this server software will have to be running in order for the punch station software to  
connect to it to perform punching in/out.  
Features and Benefits  
Save Time  
Manager no longer need to spend hours manually going through paper punch cards to consolidate  
staff worked hours and calculate their pay. BePunctual generates worked hours and pay reports  
Save Money  
With its build in payroll and approved leave support, small companies may not need to buy  
additional payroll and leave tracking software.  
Easy to Setup  
It takes less than 1 minute to install the BePunctual Server software...and another few minutes more  
to add the staff details and the solution is all ready to use.  
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Version 4.0  
Easy to Use  
Like all other Aquarius Soft products, we spent much time in making sure that the software is very  
easy to learn and use by both the administrator and your staff.  
Single or multiple distributed punch stations  
You can setup BePunctual solution on one single computer or on multiple computers in your network.  
For single computer setup, you would install the Server software and the Group Punch Station  
software in the same computer.  
For multiple distributed computers setup, you would install the Server software on one computer and  
install the punch software on other networked computers.  
Instantly Check Who's Not In/In/Out Today  
Every staff can check who's not in, who's in and who's out today on the punch station software. This  
feature can be disabled for any punch station if needed.  
Prevent Buddy Punching  
One main problem of paper systems is that of buddy punch, i.e. staff asking another person to  
punch in/out for him. With BePunctual, you can install a fingerprint scanner to verify your staff  
during punch in/out. A webcam can also be installed to capture a photo of the staff when the staff is  
punching in/out. The administrator can then perform random checks at the Server software to see if  
the photo matches the staff.  
Build in Payroll Functions  
BePunctual comes integrated with simple yet comprehensive staff payroll functions. For small  
companies, they may not need separate payroll software to generate staff pay reports.  
Build in Leave Records  
Approved staff leave (paid and no pay leave) can be recorded in BePunctual. BePunctual reports will  
take into account of staff leave.  
When a staff does not report for work today because his is on leave, the system will also reflect that  
on the Who's In/Out view so that others will know why the staff is not in.  
If you are currently using a paper leave system, you can use BePunctual to record your staff  
approved leave.  
Integrated Visitor Management System  
With it's built in visitor management system, you can pre-register your visitors, check their sign  
in/out status and set visitor alerts.  
Minimum System Requirements  
Computer that can run Windows Vista, XP or 2000 smoothly.  
128 megabytes (MB) of RAM or higher recommended.  
Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher-resolution video adapter and monitor  
10 MB of hard disk space for BePunctual Server software. Additional of up to 2 GB required  
for database.  
Network adapter to access your local network if the Server software and punch station  
software are run on separate computers.  
BePunctual Biometric Fingerprint Scanner to enroll staff fingerprints.  
Windows Vista, XP or 2000.  
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Installation and Remove  
Installing the application  
NOTE: Please ensure that you log into Windows with an administrator account before starting the  
After downloading the application setup file BePunctualServer.EXE, double click on the file to run  
the setup program that will guide you through a simple installation process.  
For detailed instructions on how to setup a complete solution, please visit  
Removing the application  
You can remove the software via Control Panel -> Add and Remove Programs -> Aquarius  
Soft BePunctual Server -> Change/Remove  
If will be prompt to enter the software password if it is set.  
If you forget the password, please send an email to [email protected] together with the file  
You can find this file via BePunctual Server -> Setup -> Options ->Backup -> Open Data  
Do give us your invaluable feedback and suggestion on how we can improve the software to work  
for you. Feedback Now.  
Knowing the User Interface  
Main Application Window  
The main application window consists of the following components:  
Title Bar: Move and size the application.  
Main Menu: Provide access to all the software functions  
Time Display: Show the current time.  
Date: Show the current date.  
Main Tab: The Main Tabs is for selecting the content to display in the Content Area.  
Content Area: Show the selected content.  
Status Bar: Show help text and status.  
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Version 4.0  
Main Menu  
New Staff  
Add a new staff  
New Staff Type  
New Department  
New Approved Leave  
New Leave Type  
New Holiday  
Add a new staff type  
Add a new department  
And a new approved leave  
Add a new leave type  
Add a new holiday  
Print the data in the current view  
Export the data in the current view  
Hide BePunctual Server  
Exit BePunctual Server  
Hide the application in the background  
Exit the application  
Add a new item  
Edit the selected item  
Delete the selected items  
Select all items  
Select All  
View who's in and out now today  
View staff punch cards  
View staff approved leave  
View punch station status  
View setup  
Punch Cards  
Approved Leave  
Punch Station  
Status Bar  
Show or hide the status bar  
Refresh current view  
Working Days and Hours Generate staff working days and hours  
Attendance Report  
Punctuality Report  
Worked Hours Report  
Pay Report  
Generate staff attendance report  
Generate staff punctuality report  
Generate staff worked hours report  
Generate staff pay report  
Setup Wizard  
Staff Types  
Run the setup wizard  
Setup organization information  
Add, edit or delete departments  
Add, edit or delete staff types  
Add, edit or delete staffs  
Add, edit or delete holidays  
Leave Types  
Visitor Types  
Add, edit or delete leave types  
Add, edit or delete visitor types  
Add, edit or delete visitors  
Configure BePunctual Server software options  
Change the administrator password  
Administrator Password  
Identify Fingerprint  
Lets you check if a staff fingerprint is enrolled  
in the system.  
Display BePunctual Server help  
Display BePunctual Server product information,  
version number and copyright  
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Version 4.0  
Main Tab  
The Main Tab is for selecting the content to display in the Content Area. The following tabs are  
available on the Main Tab:  
Today: Click this tab to check who's in/out today.  
Punch Cards: Click this tab to show staff punch cards containing punch in/out times and  
Approved Leave: Click this tab to show staff approved leave. You can then add, edit or  
delete staff approved leave.  
Punch Stations: Click this tab to show all the punch station that has connected to the  
server software.  
Setup: Click this tab to configure, view and edit your organization, staff and visitor details.  
Setup Overview View  
This view provides a summary of the information to setup in the software. Click on a link to access a  
particular information.  
This view is accessed via Setup Tab > Overview  
Setup Organization View  
This view lets you view and edit your organization information.  
This view is accessed via Setup Tab > Organization  
Organization Name  
Organization Type  
Edit Box  
Enter your organization name here.  
Select or enter your organization type here.  
Enter your organization address here.  
Enter your organization city here.  
Enter your organization postal code here.  
Enter your organization state here.  
Enter your organization country here.  
Enter your organization phone number here.  
Enter your organization fax number here.  
Selection Box  
Edit Boxes  
Edit Boxes  
Edit Boxes  
Edit Boxes  
Edit Boxes  
Edit Box  
Postal Code  
Edit Box  
Organization Logo  
Edit Box  
Enter the location of your organization logo image.  
This image is displayed in reports generated. If not  
set, the BePunctual Logo will be displayed in  
Click this button to browse for your organization  
logo image  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Click this save the changes.  
Click this to cancel the changes and revert to the  
previous settings.  
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Setup Departments View  
You can then group your staffs into departments and set a department head for each department.  
This view lets you add, edit and delete your organization departments.  
This view is accessed via Setup Tab > Departments  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Click this to add a new department.  
Click this to edit the selected department.  
Click this to delete the selected departments.  
Setup Staff Types View  
You can group your staff into staff types. This view lets you add, edit and delete your organization  
staff types like cleaner, engineer, sales etc.  
This view is accessed via Setup Tab > Staff Types  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Click this to add a new staff type.  
Click this to edit the selected staff type.  
Click this to delete the selected staff types.  
Setup Staffs View  
This view lets you add, edit and delete your staffs/employees who will be using BePunctual  
Group/Staff Punch Station to punch in/out.  
This view is accessed via Setup Tab > Staffs  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Click this to add a new staff.  
Click this to view and edit the selected staff  
Text Button  
Click this to delete the selected staff.  
Setup Holidays View  
This view lets you add, edit and delete holidays applicable to your organization.  
This view is accessed via Setup Tab > Holiday  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Click this to add a new holiday.  
Click this to edit the selected holiday.  
Click this to delete the selected holidays.  
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Setup Leave Types View  
This view lets you add, edit and delete your organization leave types like Annual Leave, Medical  
Leave, No-Pay Leave etc.  
This view is accessed via Setup Tab > Leave Types  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Click this to add a new leave type.  
Click this to edit the selected leave type.  
Click this to delete the selected leave types.  
Setup Visitor Types View  
You can group your visitors into visitor types. This view lets you add, edit and delete your visitor  
types like parents, contractors, sale person etc.  
This view is accessed via Setup Tab > Visitor Types  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Click this to add a new visitor type.  
Click this to edit the selected visitor type.  
Click this to delete the selected visitor types.  
Setup Visitors View  
This view lets you add, edit and delete your visitors who will be using BePunctual Visitor Station  
to sign in/out.  
This view is accessed via Setup Tab > Staffs  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Click this to add a new visitor.  
Click this to view and edit the selected  
Text Button  
Click this to delete the selected visitor.  
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Today View  
This view lets you check who's in/out now today and their punch in/out times and remarks.  
This view is accessed via Today Tab.  
Punch In Photo  
This shows the staff/visitor photo captured during  
punch in.  
Punch Out Photo  
Who's Not In  
Who's In  
This shows the staff/visitor photo captured during  
punch out.  
Radio Button  
Radio Button  
Click this to view staffs/visitors who has not punch  
in today and the reason if any.  
Click this to view staffs/visitors who has punched  
in today, their punch in time and punch in  
Who's Out  
Radio Button  
Radio Button  
Click this to view staffs/visitors who has punched  
out today, their punch out time and punch out  
Click this to view all staffs/visitors last punch in  
and out details.  
Selection Box  
Selection Box  
Selection Box  
Selection Box  
Select the staff you want to check.  
Staff Types  
Visitor Types  
Select the staff type you want to check.  
Select the department staff you want to check.  
Select the visitor type you want to check.  
Punch Cards View  
This view lets you view, add, edit and delete staff punch card entries (punch in/out times and  
This view is accessed via Punch Cards Tab.  
Punch In Photo  
Punch Out Photo  
From Date  
To Date  
This shows the photo captured during punch in.  
This shows the photo captured during punch out.  
Select the start date to query.  
Select the end date to query.  
Date Control  
Date Control  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Selection Box  
This Month  
Last Month  
This Year  
Set the query dates to this month.  
Set the query dates to last month.  
Set the query dates to this year.  
Set the query dates to last year.  
Select the staff to view.  
Last Year  
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Approved Leave View  
This view lets you add, edit and delete your staff approved leave. This information lets you track the  
frequency and reason of their leave easily. This information is also used when generating the various  
This view is accessed via Approved Leave Tab.  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Click this to add a new approved leave.  
Click this to edit the selected approved leave.  
Click this to delete the selected approved leave.  
Punch Stations View  
This view shows you the status of all the punch station software that has been connected to this  
server software. It also lets you configure these punch station remotely, contact the staff on a punch  
stations and broadcast messages to punch stations.  
The connection information (Server Name, IP and Port Number) required for punch station software  
to connect to this server software is displayed here. Use this information when setting up the punch  
station's connection settings.  
This view is accessed via Punch Stations Tab.  
Configure Station  
Delete Station  
Contact Staff  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Text Button  
Click this to configure the selected punch station.  
Click this to delete the selected punch station.  
Click this to chat with the staff on the selected  
punch station.  
Text Button  
Click this to broadcast message to all connected  
punch stations.  
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Getting Started  
Running the Application  
BePunctual Server has a Windows service (BePunctual Server Service) module that is run in the  
background when the computer is power up with or without log on. This ensure that the punch  
stations can connect to it and perform punch in/out without having to log on into the computer.  
You can run BePunctual Server software by double clicking on the application shortcut  
at the  
following place:  
Windows Start Menu -> Programs -> Aquarius Soft -> BePunctual Server  
Hiding the Application  
You can hide the software if its icon is configured to display in the taskbar notification area. To hide  
the application, click Close button the top right of the window  
Showing the Application  
To show the application when it is hidden, right click on its icon  
in the taskbar notification area  
and select Restore  
Alternatively, you can double click on its icon  
in the taskbar notification area  
Exiting the Application  
To exit the application, click File -> Exit BePunctual Server  
Setup Wizard  
When the server software is run for the first time, a Setup Wizard will guide you through a simple  
setup process to configure the following:  
Your organization name and type  
Adding departments  
Adding staff types  
Staff working hours options  
Administrator password  
After finishing the Setup Wizard, the Setup Staff View will be displayed to let you add your staffs.  
In order to use the BePunctual system for staff punching in/out, minimally, staffs with their punch ID  
and PIN has to be added into the server software database.  
You can always run the setup wizard again in the Setup Tab.  
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Viewing Who's In/Out  
To view who's in/out today:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Today Tab to show the Today View  
To see who is not in today, click Who's Not In  
To see who is in already today, click Who's In  
To see who is out already today, click Who's Out  
To see all staff status, click All  
You can filter the information by staff, staff type, department or visitor type.  
Viewing Staff Punch Cards  
A staff punch card contain all the staff punch entries, i.e. punch in/out times and remarks.  
To view a staff punch card:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Punch Cards Tab to show the Punch Cards View  
Select the period to view.  
Select the staff to view.  
Viewing Staff Approved Leave  
To view staff approved leave that have been added to the system:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Approved Leave Tab to show the Approved Leave View  
Select the period to view.  
Select a staff or staff type or department to view.  
Viewing Punch Station Status  
To view the status of the punch stations connected to the server software:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Punch Station Tab to show the Punch Station View  
Select the station you want.  
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Viewing Organization Information  
To view your organization information:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Setup Tab.  
Click Organization to show the Setup Organization View  
Viewing Departments  
To view the departments you have added to the system:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Setup Tab.  
Click Departments to show the Setup Department View  
Select the department you want.  
Viewing Leave Types  
To view the leave types that have been added to the system:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Setup Tab.  
Click Leave Types to show the Setup Leave Types View  
Select the leave type you want.  
Viewing Holidays  
To view the holidays that have been added to the system:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Setup Tab.  
Click Holidays to show the Setup Holidays View  
Select the holiday you want.  
Viewing Staff Types  
To view the staff types that have been added to the system:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Setup Tab.  
Click Staff Types to show the Setup Staff Types View  
Select the staff type you want.  
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Viewing Staff Information  
To view your staff information:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Setup Tab.  
Click Staffs to show the Setup Staffs View  
Select the staff you want.  
Viewing Visitor Types  
To view the visitor types that have been added to the system:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Setup Tab.  
Click Visitor Types to show the Setup Visitor Types View  
Select the staff type you want.  
Viewing Visitor Information  
To view your staff information:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Setup Tab.  
Click Visitors to show the Setup Visitors View  
Select the staff you want.  
Viewing Visitor Punch Cards  
A visitor punch card contain all the visitor sign in/out entries, i.e. sign in/out times and remarks.  
To view a visitor punch card:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Punch Cards Tab to show the Punch Cards View  
Select the period to view.  
Select the visitor to view.  
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Enrolling Staff Fingerprint  
You can enroll a staff fingerprint for use in punching in/ou via Server software -> Setup -> Staffs  
-> Edit Staff -> Biometric Fingerprint -> Enroll  
Importing Staff Fingerprint Template  
Alternative, you can enroll the staff fingerprint on another computer and save it as a template to be  
imported into the Server software.  
To enroll staff fingerprint and save it to a template, use the BePunctual Biometric Fingerprint  
Scanner Software.  
You can then import the staff fingerprint template into the Server software via Server Software ->  
Setup -> Staffs -> Edit Staff -> Biometric Fingerprint -> Import  
Verifying Staff Fingerprint  
To verify a fingerprint that has been enrolled or imported:  
Server software -> Setup -> Staffs -> Edit Staff -> Biometric Fingerprint -> Enroll  
Identifying Staff Fingerprint  
To check if a fingerprint is enrolled in the system:  
Server software -> Tools -> Identify Fingerprint  
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Organization Information  
You can view and edit your organization information in the Setup Organization View.  
You can group your staff into departments. Examples of departments are human resource, R&D etc.  
When a department is created, you can select one of the staff as its head of department. The head  
of department will be the manager of the staffs within that department.  
To add a staff to a department, edit the staff information and select his department  
Once you have setup a department and its staffs, you can query information based on department  
Adding a New Department  
You can add a new department via Setup Tab -> Departments -> Add  
Enter the following information into the Add a Department window:  
Department Name  
Department Code  
Head of Department  
Staff Types  
Staff Type is another way to group your staffs. Examples of staff types are cleaner, receptionist etc.  
To add a staff to a staff type, edit the staff information and set his staff type.  
Once you have setup a staff type and its staffs, you can query information based on staff type.  
Adding a New Staff Type  
You can add a new staff type via Setup Tab -> Staff Types -> Add  
Enter the following information into the Add a Staff Type window:  
Staff Type Name  
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Staffs are your organization employees or workers. The following groups of information can be store  
and set for each staff:  
General information like full name, display name, staff ID, department, staff type,  
supervisor etc.  
Punch in/out settings like punch ID and punch PIN  
Working days and hours  
Pay information  
Contact information  
Adding a New Staff  
You can add a new staff via Setup Tab -> Staffs -> Add  
A Add a Staff wizard will guide you through the following pages:  
Staff General Information  
Staff Punch In/Out Settings  
Staff Working Days & Hours Settings  
Staff Pay Settings  
Staff Contact Information  
Staff General Information Page  
This page lets you enter a staff's general information and add a photo for the staff.  
Enter the full name of the staff here.  
Staff Full Name  
Staff Display Name  
This optional display name of the staff, if set, will be displayed in the  
punch station software.  
Staff ID  
This is the staff ID as given by your organization.  
Select the staff type the staff belongs to.  
Enter the designation of the staff here. E.g. Manager, Senior Engineer etc.  
Select the department the staff belongs to.  
Select the staff's supervisor here.  
Staff Type  
Click this to select a photo for the staff.  
Click this to delete the staff photo.  
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Staff Punch In/Out Settings Page  
This page lets you configure a staff's punch in/out settings.  
Punch ID  
Set the staff punch ID here.  
This must be set.  
Punch PIN  
Set the optional staff punch  
PIN here.  
Disallow this staff from punching in/out  
Check this option if you want  
to disallow this staff from  
punching in/out.  
Maximum number of punch in and out sets per day.  
This is the number of times  
the staff can punch in and  
out per day.  
Staff Working Days & Hours Settings Page  
This page lets you configure a staff's working days and hours.  
Staff works the same times on every working day  
Check this option if the staff  
has the same working times on  
every working day  
Working Day (Monday to Sunday)  
Half Working Day Check Box  
Select the days the staff  
Check this option if any of the  
working day is a half working  
Half Working Day (Monday to Sunday)  
Alternate Week Check Box  
Select the days which are half  
working days.  
Check this option if any of the  
working day is an alternate  
week working day, i.e. staff  
works on alternate week for  
that day.  
Alternate Week (Monday to Sunday)  
Can Work Overtime Check Box  
Can Work Overtime (Monday to Sunday)  
Flexi-Time Check Box  
Select the days which are  
alternate week working days.  
Check this option if the staff  
can work overtime.  
Select the days which the staff  
can work overtime.  
Check this option if the staff  
works flexi-time, i.e. the staff  
has flexible reporting and  
knock-off times.  
Flexi-Time (Monday to Sunday)  
Hours to Work Check Box  
Select the days which the staff  
works flexi-time.  
(Only for flexi-time) Check this  
option if the staff has to work  
a specific number of hours on  
his flexi-time working days.  
Hours to work (Monday to Sunday)  
(Only for flexi-time days)  
Select the number of hours the  
staff has to work on his flexi-  
time working days.  
(Latest) Reporting Time (Monday to Sunday)  
This is the time to report to  
work on a working day.  
For flexi-time working day, this  
is the latest time to report to  
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1st Half Knock Off Time (Monday to Sunday)  
(Only for full-working days)  
This is the time a staff can  
knock off from work when the  
staff takes 2nd half of the day  
2nd Half Reporting Time (Monday to Sunday)  
Knock Off Time (Monday to Sunday)  
(Only for full-working days)  
This is the time a staff has to  
report to work when the staff  
takes 1st half of the day leave.  
This the the time the staff can  
knock off from work on a  
working day.  
For flexi-time working day, this  
is the earliest time the staff  
can knock off from work.  
Minimum OT Hours Check Box  
(Only when overtime is  
allowed) Check this option if  
the staff has to work a  
minimum time before it is  
consider overtime.  
Minimum OT Hours (Monday to Sunday)  
Maximum OT Hours Check Box  
(Only when overtime is  
allowed) Select the minimum  
overtime hours for a working  
(Only when overtime is  
allowed) Check this option if  
there is a limit in the overtime  
hours per day.  
Maximum OT Hours (Monday to Sunday)  
Alternate Week Start Day (Monday to Sunday  
(Only when overtime is  
allowed) Select the maximum  
overtime hours for a working  
(Only when alternate week  
days) Select the starting day  
for the alternate week working  
day. The starting day must be  
the same day of the week as  
the working day.  
Staff Pay Settings Page  
This page lets you configure a staff's pay.  
Pay Type  
Salary Basis, Daily Basis or  
Hourly Basis.  
Pay Period  
Monthly, Semi-Monthly, Bi-  
Weekly or Weekly.  
Monthly Salary  
Monthly salary amount for  
salary based staff with  
monthly pay period only.  
Semi-Monthly Salary  
Semi-monthly salary amount  
for salary based staff with  
semi-monthly pay period  
Bi-weekly Salary  
Bi-weekly salary amount for  
salary based staff with bi-  
weekly pay period only.  
Weekly Salary  
Weekly salary amount for  
salary based staff with  
weekly pay period only.  
Working Day Pay Per Day  
Working day pay per day  
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amount for daily based staff  
Working Day Pay Per Day By Day of Week  
Check this option if the  
working day pay per day is  
different for one or more  
days of the week. You will  
then be able to enter the pay  
for each day of the week.  
Working Day Pay Per Hour  
Working day pay per hour  
amount for hourly based  
staff only.  
Working Day Pay Per Hour By Day of Week  
Check this option if the  
working day pay per hour is  
different for one or more  
days of the week. You will  
then be able to enter the pay  
for each day of the week.  
Working Day Overtime Pay Per Hour  
Working day overtime pay  
per hour amount.  
Set the amount to 0 if the  
staff is not entitled to  
overtime pay.  
Working Day Overtime Pay Per Hour By Day of Week  
Check this option if the  
working day overtime pay  
per hour is different for one  
or more days of the week.  
You will then be able to enter  
the overtime pay for each  
day of the week.  
Set the amount to 0 if the  
staff is not entitled to  
overtime pay for a particular  
Non-Working Day Pay Per Hour  
Pay per hour amount when  
you staff comes to work on a  
non-working day.  
Set the amount to 0 if the  
staff is not entitled to non-  
working day pay.  
Non-working Day Pay Per Hour By Day of Week  
Check this option if the non-  
working day pay per hour is  
different for one or more  
days of the week. You will  
then be able to enter the pay  
for each day of the week.  
Set the amount to 0 if the  
staff is not entitled to non-  
working day pay for a  
particular day.  
Holiday Pay Per Hour  
Pay per hour amount when  
you staff comes to work on a  
Set the amount to 0 if the  
staff is not entitled to holiday  
Credit paid holiday hours  
If this option is check,  
whenever there is a paid  
holiday, the staff will be  
credited the number of  
working hours as set in the  
holiday settings.  
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Staff Contact Information Page  
This page lets you configure a staff's contact information.  
Office Email  
This is the staff's office email address.  
Office Phone and Extension  
Personal Email  
Mobile Phone  
This is the staff's office phone number and extension.  
This is the staff's personal email address.  
This is the staff's mobile phone number.  
This is the staff's home phone number.  
This is the staff's next-of-kin name.  
Home Phone  
Next-of-Kin Name  
Next-of-Kin Phone  
Home Address  
This is the staff's next-of-kin phone number.  
This is the staff's home address.  
Staff Biometric Fingerprint Page  
This page lets you enroll or import up to 2 fingerprint templates for the staff to use for punching  
Finger 1 Enroll  
Finger 1 Import  
Finger 1 Delete  
Finger 2 Enroll  
Finger 2 Import  
Finger 2 Delete  
Identify Fingerprint  
Start enrolling fingerprint for finger 1.  
Import fingerprint template for finger 1.  
Delete fingerprint template for finger 2.  
Start enrolling fingerprint for finger 2.  
Import fingerprint template for finger 2.  
Delete fingerprint template for finger 2.  
This is for identify a fingerprint to ensure that it is enrolled  
into the system.  
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Holidays are non-working days for staffs. BePunctual takes into consideration of holidays when  
generating reports and when calculating staff pay.  
Holiday can be paid or not paid. For paid holiday, daily pay staff and hourly pay staff can be paid for  
this holiday. The number of holiday working hours will be credited to staff with Credit Paid Holiday  
Hours flag set in their pay settings.  
If a staff reported to work on a holiday, he can be paid per hour of the holiday. This holiday pay per  
hour amount is set in the staff's pay settings.  
Adding a New Holiday  
You can add a new holiday via Setup Tab -> Holidays -> Add  
Enter the following information into the Add a Holiday window:  
Holiday Date  
Holiday Name  
Paid Holiday - Whether it is a paid holiday. For paid holiday, daily pay staff and hourly pay  
staff can be paid for this holiday.  
Working hours to credit - This number of working hours will be credited to staff with  
Credit Paid Holiday Hours flag set in their pay settings.  
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10 Leave Types  
Example of leave types are Annual Leave, Medical Leave etc.  
Leave can be paid leave or no-pay leave. For paid leave, pay will not be deducted from the staff  
salary. For no-pay leave, pay for the day will be deducted from the staff salary.  
Adding a New Leave Type  
You can add a new leave type via Setup Tab -> Leave Types -> Add  
Enter the following information into the Add a Leave Type window:  
Leave Type Name  
Leave Type Code - This is the code that will be displayed in reports.  
Paid Leave - Whether it is a paid or no-pay leave.  
11 Approved Leave  
BePunctual lets you track your staff approved leave. Reports generated by BePunctual also takes  
into account of your staff leave.  
If a staff takes leave today, the Today view will show this information so that the rest will know  
why the staff is not in today.  
Adding a New Approved Leave  
You can add a new approved leave via Setup Tab -> Approved Leave -> Add  
A wizard will guide you through to enter the following information:  
Leave Type  
Apply Date: This is the date and time when the staff applies the leave. This information  
lets you track if the staff has apply an "urgent" leave, i.e. apply leave after the leave is  
Date of Leave  
Time of Leave - Full day, 1st half or second half of the day.  
You can add multiple days of leave at one time.  
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12 Punch Cards and Punch Entries  
A punch card contains all punch entries of a staff. Each staff has his own punch card.  
Each punch card entry contains the following information:  
Punch In Date and Time  
Punch In Remarks  
Punch In Station  
Punch Out Date and Time  
Punch Out Remarks  
Punch Out Station  
If a staff forgot to punch in on a working day, there will be no punch entry for that day. Generated  
reports will show that the staff is absent for that day. Before generating reports, you may add punch  
entries for a staff on those working days that the staff did come to work but forgot to punch in.  
If a staff did punched in but forgot to punch out, the punch entry will contain the punch in  
information but not the punch out information. So looking at the staff punch card you will be able to  
easily identify those days when the staff forgot to punch out. You may then enter the punch out  
information for the staff before generating reports.  
If a staff can punch in/out multiple times per day, there will be a punch entry for each punch in/out  
Viewing a Staff Punch Card  
You can view a staff punch card via Punch Card Tab -> Select Period -> Staff  
Adding a Punch Entry  
You can add a new punch entry for a staff via Punch Card Tab -> Staff -> Add  
Enter the following information into the Add Punch Card Entry window:  
Punch In Date and Time  
Punch In Remarks  
Punch Out Date and Time - leave this empty if staff has not punched out.  
Punch Out Remarks  
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13 Punch Stations  
Punch stations are software for staffs or visitors to punch in/out or for managers to retrieve  
attendance data from the system. For better security of the BePunctual data, they are usually  
installed in other computers in the network.  
BePunctual Group Punch Station is for multiple staffs to punch in/out at a single location. One  
group punch station can be run on the same computer running the Server software.  
BePunctual Staff Punch Station is for each staff to punch in/out at his own office computer.  
BePunctual Visitor Station is for visitors to register and sign in/out.  
BePunctual Manager Station is for managers to monitor his/her staffs attendance.  
A punch station needs to be connected to the BePunctual Server software in order to punch in/out.  
When connected, the punch station status will be displayed in the Punch Stations View.  
For your convenience, you can configure punch stations remotely at the Server software.  
The Server software can broadcast messages to all punch stations or chat with a staff at a particular  
punch station.  
Punch stations that no longer in use can be deleted.  
Connecting a Punch Station to the Server Software  
To connect a punch station to the server software:  
Ensure that the server software is already running.  
Run the punch station.  
Click Options at the top right to popup a menu.  
Select Settings...  
Enter the Administrator Password if prompted.  
Click Next > until the Connection Settings Page is shown.  
Enter the Computer Name or IP Address of the computer running the server software.  
Enter the Network Communication Port Number as displayed on the server software.  
Click the Test Connection button to test if the connection to the server software can be  
established. If no, check the settings and also ensure that the software and port number is  
not blocked by any firewall software running in this computer as well as the computer  
running the Server software.  
Once the connection to the server software is established, click Next > until the Display  
Page is shown.  
Click Finish to save the changes.  
Configuring a Punch Station  
You can configure a punch station remotely via Punch Stations Tab -> Select an active station ->  
Configure Station  
For details of what can be configured in the punch station, please refer to the punch station help file.  
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Deleting an Inactive Punch Station  
You can delete a no longer in use punch station via Punch Stations Tab -> Select an inactive  
station -> Delete Station  
Broadcasting a Message to Active Punch Stations  
You can broadcast a message to active punch stations via Punch Stations Tab -> Select the active  
stations required -> Broadcast  
In the Broadcast Message to Stations window,  
Select whether to broadcast to all or selected stations.  
Select to show it as the Today's Message or to popup a window to show the message.  
Click OK to proceed to broadcast the message.  
Contacting a Staff on an Active Punch Station  
You can contact a staff on an active punch station and chat with the staff via Punch Stations Tab -  
> Select the active station required -> Contact Staff  
In the Contact Staff window,  
Enter the message to send and click Send.  
Click Clear to clear any unsent text.  
Click Close to close the dialog.  
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14 Reports  
BePunctual Server can generate the following report types:  
Staff Working Days and Hours: This report shows the working days and hours details of  
the staff for the selected period.  
Attendance Report: This report shows the staff attendance over a selected period and  
computes his attendance. This report allows you to check when a staff is absent and late for  
Punctuality Report: This report shows the staff punctuality over a selected period and  
computes his reporting punctuality and knock off punctuality. This report allows you to  
check and measures a staff punctuality.  
Worked Hours Report: This report shows the days and hours worked for a staff. It also  
computes the total days and hours worked.  
Pay Report: This report calculates the gross pay of a staff over his pay period.  
If you need to a custom report, we do provide report customization service. Please email us at  
[email protected] with your requirements to get a quote.  
Generating a Report  
To generate a report:  
Run and show the Server software.  
Click Reports on the main menu to popup a menu.  
Select the report type you want to generate.  
A wizard will guide you to provide the necessary information.  
The report will then be generated and displayed.  
You can then save or print the report.  
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15 Working Days and Hours Templates  
For your convenience, working days and hours templates can be created and subsequently applied  
to staffs.  
Editing Default Working Days and Hours Template  
You can edit the default working days and hours template via Setup -> Options -> Working Days  
& Hours  
Saving Staff Working Days and Hours as a Template  
While editing a staff working days and hours, you can save the settings as a template to apply on  
other staff.  
To save a staff working days and hours settings as a template:  
In the Edit Staff - Working Days and Hours Page, click Select Templates... to popup  
a menu.  
Select Save As Working Days & Hours Template  
Enter a new name for the template in the Save As Working Days & Hours Template  
Click OK to save the template.  
NOTE: You can also save the current settings as the default template by choosing Set As Default in  
the popup menu.  
Applying a Staff Working Days and Hours Template  
While editing a staff working days and hours, you can apply a previously saved template to the  
current staff.  
To apply a staff working days and hours template to the current editing staff:  
In the Edit Staff - Working Days and Hours Page, click Select Templates... to popup a  
Select Apply Working Days & Hours Template.  
Select a template in the Working Days & Hours Template Dialog.  
Click OK to apply the template on the current staff.  
NOTE: You can also apply the default template by choosing Apply Defaults in the popup menu.  
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16 Staff Pay Templates  
For your convenience, staff pay templates can be created and subsequently applied to staff.  
The default staff pay template can be configured in the BePunctual Options Dialog while  
additional templates can be saved in the Edit Staff - Pay Page.  
Editing Default Staff Pay Template  
You can edit the default staff pay template via Setup -> Options -> Pay  
Saving Staff Pay as a Template  
While editing a staff pay in the Edit Staff - Pay Page, you can save the settings as a template to  
apply on other staff.  
To save a staff pay settings as a template:  
Click Select Templates... in the Edit Staff - Working Days and Hours Page to popup a  
Select Save As Staff Pay Template  
Enter a new name for the template in the Save As Staff Pay Template Dialog  
Click OK to save the template.  
NOTE: You can also save the current settings as the default template by choosing Set As Default in  
the popup menu.  
Applying a Staff Pay Template  
While editing a staff pay in the Edit Staff - Working Days and Hours Page, you can apply a  
previously saved template to the current staff.  
To apply a staff pay template on the current editing staff:  
Click Select Templates... in the Edit Staff - Pay Page to popup a menu.  
Select Apply Staff Pay Template.  
Select a template in the Staff Pay Templates Dialog.  
Click OK to apply the template on the current staff.  
NOTE: You can also apply the default template by choosing Apply Defaults in the popup menu.  
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17 Visitor Types  
Visitor Type is way to group your visitors. Examples of staff types are parents, contractors etc.  
To add a visitor to a visitor type, edit the visitor information and set his visitor type.  
Once you have setup a visitor type and its visitors, you can query information based on visitor type.  
Adding a New Visitor Type  
You can add a new visitor type via Setup Tab -> Visitor Types -> Add  
Enter the following information into the Add a Visitor Type window:  
Visitor Type Name  
18 Visitors  
The following groups of information can be store and set for each visitor:  
Visitor Type  
Select the staff type the staff belongs to.  
Visitor Full Name  
Visitor Display Name  
Personal ID  
Vehicle Number  
Enter the full name of the visitor here.  
This optional display name of the visitor.  
This is the visitor's personal ID as defined by your organization.  
This is the visitor's vehicle number. This can be use to sign in/out for  
Contact Number  
This is the contact number of the visitor.  
This is the email of the visitor.  
This is any other details about the visitor.  
This is the company of the visitor.  
This is the designation of the visitor.  
This is the address of the visitor.  
Sign In Alert  
If set, this alert message will be displayed at the Visitor Station when  
the visitor sign in.  
Sign Out Alert  
If set, this alert message will be displayed at the Visitor Station when  
the visitor sign out.  
This is the visitor’s photo.  
Adding a New Visitor  
You can pre-register for a visitor by adding a new visitor via Setup Tab -> Visitors -> Add  
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19 Customizations  
Version 4.0  
Run When Log On Windows  
BePunctual Server has a Windows service (BePunctual Server Service) module that is run in the  
background when the computer is power up with or without log on. This ensure that the punch  
stations can connect to it and perform punch in/out without having to log on into the computer.  
However, if for staff at punch station to contact the administrator at the server software using the  
built-in instant messaging function, the BePunctual Server software itself has to be running.  
If you want the application itself to automatically run each time you log on to Windows, you can  
enable this option via Setup -> Options -> General -> Run BePunctual Server when log on  
Show Icon in Taskbar Notification Area  
You can set the server software icon to displayed in the taskbar notification area as an indication  
that it is running.  
You can enable this option via Setup -> Options -> General -> Show icon in the taskbar  
notification area  
When this option is checked, closing the application will only hides it in the background.  
When this option is unchecked, closing the application will exit it.  
Prevent Standby and Hibernate  
By default, the Server software prevents the computer from going into standby or hibernation so  
that punch stations can always connects to it for punching in/out.  
When this option is enabled and standby or hibernate is activated, the Server software will turn off  
the monitor to save power.  
You can change this option via Setup -> Options -> General -> Prevent system from going  
into standby or hibernate  
Prevent Changing of System Time  
You only need to enable this option if the punch station software and the server software is running  
on the same computer and the punch station software is running in an Windows XP administrator  
You can change this option via Setup -> Options -> General -> Prevent system time from  
being changed  
NOTE: When this option is on, time can still be change +- 8 minutes from the current time. Is is to  
allow Windows to automatically adjust the system time.  
Connection Port Number  
This is the network communication port used for communication between the Server software and  
the punch station software.  
Change this settings (9000 to 9099) only if the punch stations cannot connect to the Server  
Ensure that this port number is opened and not blocked by any firewall software or router.  
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You can change the connection port number via Setup -> Options -> General -> Connection  
Port Number -> Port Number  
After changing this value, all punch stations will be disconnected and has to reconfigure with this  
port number.  
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